2014년 10월 25일 토요일

Refutation and Concession

1. What is my thesis?
Sport psychology is much more important than physical training.

2. What is the opposite position?
Physical ability is the first priority to be an athlete.

3. What arguments can I anticipate?
a) physical training(athletes develop body)
b) order of priority between psychology and physical one.
c) psychology is one thing and physical ability is another. (심리와 피지컬은 별개다)

4. How will I counter those arguments?
a) a matter of course to develop body as an athlete
b) psychology reinforces physical ability
c) stable mind and confidence are influential and it is proved by essays.

My Refutation and Concession

 Someone can refute that athletes develop body above all, and it is ambiguous to decide an order of priority between psychology and physical one. Also, they can argue that psychology is one thing and physical ability is another. However, these refutation are not always correct.
 First of all, it is a matter of course for athlete to develop body. Nowadays, all the athletes work hard and build up their body. No one gives up to do so because that is fundamental to be an athletes. What I want to argue is that psychology gives benefits and determine the result of match. It is proved by an essay written by Chung chung hee.
 Second, people can say ambiguity of an order of priority between psychology and physical ability. It seems plausible. But I want to argue that it varies from person to person. For instance, physically fitted person regards psychology as important and psychologically fitted person regards physical one as important. That is, I concede that it differs from person to person.
 Third, the opinion that psychology and physical ability are another matters is absurb. According to Chung chung hee, psychological treatment helps athletes to develop confidence and display their performance well in real game.
 Therefore those kinds of refutation are illogical and I strongly argue that sport psychology is much more important than physical training.