1) My argument
Sport psychology is much more important than physical training
2) How I found my argument
Usually I enjoy any kinds of sports and after learning psychology in english class, I tried hard to connect psychology, meaning human mind to sports. However, I've already known that there is a field of sport psychology but from that moment, I wanted to research about sport psychology and its effect.
3) New research questions
1. What is exact meaning of a field, sport psychology and what experts in that field study?
2. The psychological factors that has an influence on sports
3. How can athletes achieve higher goal by promoting psychological state?
4. The examples of athletes who get psychological therapy and its effects.
I will research some examples and the effect of sport psychology
4) Connections to the Harvard Sampler
My argument is related to Harvard Sampler, especially human mind. However, there can be a difference between mind in HS and mind in my argument. I think it does not matter. Psychology(esp. sport psychology) deals with emotion and environment as well as min in HS.