*What is my current topic?
The topic is 'Sport psychology is much more important than physical training’
It will be about the effect that human mind has on sports. I will explain the definition of human mind and suggest several effects of human mind and relation with sports. Also, I will give you some examples of sport psychology in reality.
*What are my guiding questions?
I want to know the relationship between human mind and sports and effects. Readers may want to know this question, either.
*What are my current thoughts?
Human mind has an effect on sports and there is a study called sport psychology. I think mind is influential to playing sports. I will persuade people of the importance of mind in the field of sports.
*What is the opposition?
The opponents say, the physical ability or skills are much more importance and influential than human mind. Also, it is expected for them to argue that it is possible to cure and manage mind by medical science. That is to say, they can be uncertain and suspicious of the impact of mind toward sports.
However, what I am going to say about mind is not related to physics but related to the study of mind. And I will suggest and research preceding experiments or studies about my topic.